Friday, March 6, 2009


Hello all. We're required to prepare these food items for the donation thingy, "Food Goodie Bag Program".

Here is the list of food items:
1) Rice 5kg pack 1qty
2) Cooking oil 2kg bottle 1qty
3) Instant noodles 5x85g pack 2qty
4) Biscuits 800g 1qty
5) Milo 1.5kg tin 1qty
6) Condensed milk 390g tin 2qty
7) Sardines 425g tin 2qty
8) Baked beans 425g tin 2qty

Please make sure that none of the food has an expiry date before July 2009!!
Once you have collected all the requested items, kindly bundle them together in a plastic bag (red, if possible), and bring them to the collection point at the timeslot allocated to your class.

Anyone have any of these food to donate, or should we get a group of people to purchase these food and we share the cost? Suggestions pleaseeeeee! :DD

Any ideas on how to get this thing going? Please taggggg at the tagboard, or let your SL rep, Jinhoe (I/C), or me knoww. Thanksssss! :DD

ps, we need to get this done asap!! thks!

Seeya all tomorrow at East Coast Part Carpark C1, 8am for the Cross Country!! Woooohoooooooo. :DDDD

Amanda (:

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